There is no impossibility as to what ‘form’ conscious life may take.
Many years have gone into the making of that single eye; there would be no me without my eyes. I have built it, like no other; nourished it so it could bloom. Who I am has been driven from my immense want to be a creator, and to inspire others to do whatever their mind pleases.
Catch me singing this everywhere I go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGSKrC7dGcY
If I’m not designing, I am probably somewhere in the mountains, visiting galleries, or watching cooking shows with my grandma through facetime. As you can see from the picture, I wanted to be a rockstar, did that ever happen? I’d like to say I got pretty close.
Brand Designer @ Converse, Nike inc.︎
Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenido!
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College for Creative Studies
BFA Photography
May ‘21
Imre J. Molnar Artistic Acheivement Award Recipient